I serve global clients from all walks of life
This is my testimonial for Haz Khan. | have spent many years looking for a therapist that could support me emotionally. Someone who | could be completely unfiltered with. Someone who gave me the calmness, wisdom, coping skills and acceptance i very much craved. A therapist whi could teach me how to love myself as a woman, as a mother (who was burdened with guilt), as a daughter, partner and human being. This therapist was Haz. I had so much unexpressed, emotional pain, ptsd, depression, sexual trauma, and was filled with shame. Haz has been the smartest investment | have ever made. He has taught me how to truly love myself. He has this calming, accepting, non judgemental way about him that instantly allows me to let go of any emotional pain of the past that may be burdening me.
I have truly grown as a therapist myself thanks to Haz and his innate ability to emotional uplift me with very few words.
Writing this means a lot to me, because I can't ever put into words how grateful I am to you Haz. | think you know how much you have helped me and for that I will always be thankful.
Thank you Haz for brightening this world, every day a little more.
Haz!!! Wow! The therapists therapist!
So why have I chosen to invest in Haz…. He’s a therapist that is getting amazing reviews, he has trained in RTT and uses other spiritual and mindfulness tools around this to treat a person holistically: emotionally, behaviourally, mentally and spiritually. He is an earth angel that I have turned to when the process of becoming a therapist has triggered stuff in me- trauma that was too big to rationalise and that only a spiritual approach can allow a reframe, not only this he is someone that I can turn to when I want to discuss how to prepare for a customer to understand their presenting problems from a holistic perspective to add an extra quality and depth to my sessions and someone I go to gain essential knowledge on parenting so I become the change maker and stop inter generational trauma! (I have 3 young kids). He has wisdom coming out of his pores, He’s a beautiful knowledgable soul and i can feel his investment in me. He uses a beautiful blend of theory and practical tools that I can implement in my life and in my business.. Because of Haz I am a better therapist, mother and wife… Everybody needs a Haz!! Thank you Haz.
I had been experiencing dizziness since I gave birth to my little one on the 5th of May 2024,I went to the doctors they weee prescribing me with medication and I didn’t take it,then I was recommend by my mum to go to Haz and talk into further detail about when did my dizziness start etc, When I started my zoom call with Haz I felt like I was in a very safe and comfortable space to talk to Haz,I now after that session things came out I never thought same out and came out that session happier and lighter within myself and I haven’t experienced dizziness since I had my session with Haz
I would really recommend Haz to anyone who has big problem or even the littlest problems because he will make a huge difference
I would like to share my experience of taking sessions with Haz, so that you can benefit from his sessions if you have similar issues. I was introduced to Haz by my very close friend after I had told my friend that I suffer from severe pain and cannot find anything that helps me anymore. My friend knew that I was seeing doctors for many years in various countries and for 10 years no one could help - series of operations, antibiotics, antiviral treatments did not help.
So, I took my chance and saw Haz via video sessions- Haz very kindly listened to my story and started to see what could be done. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would be healed. But Haz believed in my healing. He connected to my subconscious mind and saw what my body did and how it was creating the pain to protect me. At his advice, I started to listen to my body, it's a hard journey but I put my body as a priority and actually I put me as my first priority. Haz taught me to do so with a great patience and then magic started to happen. Slowly but steady. For you, it is extremely important to understand that pain is there for some purpose, some reason and Haz can understand it and support you to take it out. One last, yet, the most important information you need to know - Haz is one of the kindest person I got to meet and already his energy supports in healing me, his care and love - therefore, if you wish to heal yourself, I would more than recommend Haz
I started seeing Haz two months ago and I can’t recommend him enough. He completely changed my life! He replaced my negative core believes with positive ones which has made me feel more optimistic than ever, removed all the negative energy from my body and changed my bad habits (we had one session on my chocolate addition during which Haz helped me discover why I constantly felt the need to eat it and since that session, I have had no cravings at all!). Haz also removed all the sad emotions that were weighing on my heart, which immediately made me feel lighter. My energetic vibrations have reached their all time high and I feel like I have started attracting so much positivity and love. Thank you very much, Haz!
Dr Hussain
Fortunate to get treated by HAZ, immediate relief, got my blocked Nasal system cleared within the first session
I have had 4 sessions with Haz and the outcomes are better than I expected! Instantly I felt very comfortable and safe with Haz, you can sense his spiritual guidance from the very first session. He has done multiple different techniques during some of the sessions which I wouldn’t have thought of but they work! I would definitely recommend going to Haz for anything you need guidance or help with!
I had a severe Back Pain since six months due to a fall from steps in my work place and I took so many Pain Killers and Physiotherapy sessions also but in vain and I got in contact with Haz... then he just Made a visit to my Flat and Given me an hour session and the Evening itself I have noticed the Pain is relieved as if it was removed as a weight from my Head and I Wondered about this wonder happened to me when I was suffering with Pain I could not walk Straight for even ten minutes continuously but after having Haz session for just a day I became straight and free of my back pain and thanks to Haz.
Had an amazing experience with Haz! He is a kind, compassionate and caring person, and that reflects during his sessions. He is a skilled healer and knew exactly where to tap into to heal the problem I had been facing. He has a variety of tools that he uses seamlessly. I recommend him to anyone seeking for a healer! You are in great hands!!! Thank you so much Haz! You are incredible.
I started my journey with Haz about two yrs ago looking to save my marriage and heal myself first I had a very traumatic past which led me to make life choices that wasn’t great and made me fall into toxic relationships I wanted to break this cycle and learn about myself and recognise these relationships for what they were , when I found Haz he not only helped support me on this journey through our sessions and his dedication he gave me tools which I could continue using throughout my life , I did have to dig deep and sometimes take a step back to understand and this takes time to process , Haz helped me learn how to manifest and the feeling when you see these manifestations come to life makes all this healing journey now make sense , I will be forever grateful that I met Haz he is unlike any therapist I have met his dedication and commitment makes his work so unique to each individual and he has a lot of techniques to help.
Original testimonial posted in Next Door website on Haz Therapy site
Haz worked with me on improving significant health issues related to the autoimmune disease Lupus and the medicines prescribed to me for it. When I experienced a lupus flare I was prescribed heavy medication but after several months I was not responding well to the conventional medicine though I had responded better in the past. I was not improving significantly. The symptoms I was experiencing when I started to work with Haz included but were not limited to fatigue, kidney and lung problems, hair loss, and headaches. During our sessions we uncovered emotional issues that contributed to my physical problems such as a feeling of lack of control, and a deep sense of responsibility. Haz gently guided me to release the negative energy I was experiencing. The experience was gentle, powerful, and effective. The treatments definitely supported my journey to health. With Haz's help my health issues got a lot better. The congestion in my lungs and my cough went away, the hair loss decreased significantly and my kidney function improved steadily. In addition, now I sleep better, have more energy and... no more headaches. I feel relaxed and centered. I highly recommend working with Haz!.He helped me greatly over the weeks of treatment and the simple tools that he recommended will help me in the future as I continue to put them into practice. I am
extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with Haz
and benefited greatly from his wisdom!
As published in my facebook page; Haz Therapy
Rebecca E
My daughter recently has a baby, but unfortunately after the birth was very poorly. She had 3 infections and couldn’t’ look after her baby at all as was bed bound. Having experienced healing miracle from working with Haz myself over the year I contacted Haz.
Having so many symptoms this required a few sessions, but after the first session, I couldn’t’ believe it. She walked downstairs alone, she has the shape and colour in her face return to life, and she was able to sit up and hold her baby. The first thing she said was, “I know why I was so poorly”, with excited. Haz finding the root cause of her illness transformed her health, mind and confidence.
The subconscious work Haz did went back to past trauma, and this shocked the medical professionals as they, over the weeks, could see she wasn’t healing with medication or their advice.
My son had attacks around times of exams and on my occasions resulted with him in an ambulance on morphine due to the pain. It was heart breaking and the school was no help, it was cruel to put him through all this and was making me ill.I would like to tell you Haz after your 2 sessions you did with my son, he did all his exams and got grades for every subject without any medical issues. Truly amazing!!! If it wasn't for Haz he wouldn't have been able to do this.Words don't express how much this means.3.
I was experiencing so much heaviest in my heart to the point it was affecting my breathing, I was referred by the doctors to hospital, but I didn’t feel I could not wait over a year to get an appointment. Haz worked on the phone on my heart for 2 sessions, I had 21 emotional blocks that had to be removed.
I can confirm after the sessions my issue disappeared, but what was even more phenomenal was for over 20 years I have had pain in my upper back and my partner has had to massage the knots out every day to release pain. After the first session with Haz, I woke up in the morning and no pain in my upper back , that’s situated across the area of my heart. I am amazed and so is my partner, we both couldn’t believe it! The session was 6 months again and even though I have had some stressful times, no knots or pain has returned to this area in my back. Remarkable!
Having experienced amazing healing results with Haz, I made contact with him due to another issue I need to remove instantly as I had court the following day. I was representing myself against someone has been abusive to me for over 19 years and this was a challenging time for myself.
Having worked on my mind in the past with Haz, I felt in my head I was not scared of him and was ready to face him in court. But on this day my mind and body at this point didn’t agree and my body was shaking, and I couldn’t regulate myself. I did feel at the time, I don’t know if this could be fixed but I knew if it could be healed, Haz is the best person to go to due to the results I have had in the past for other issues.
We did the session, and I didn’t feel any different but when I woke up the next morning, I felt like something was different and I couldn’t work it out. This was the day of the trial and as the time got nearer, I still felt clam and ready. I enjoyed my day until 10 minutes to 2pm (court trial) and started to get nervous to why I wasn’t nervous, was something bad going to happen in the court room as I have had no negative feelings prior. I had a few negative “what if” thoughts in these 10 minutes.
When I entered the court meeting, I couldn’t believe the results. I had a voice, I had a clear mind, I was calm, controlled and felt powerful. This is a miracle as being a client who had complex PTSD, working with Haz over the years has got me to this point.
I have had therapy for over 17 years with NHS recommendations, and I never improved if anything it got worse at times. Haz works differently and if anyone believes they can’t recover from PTSD, work with Haz and that belief will change.
He has blessed my life and I’m forever grateful for his presents in my life. He is very dear to my heart for giving my life back.
I was getting nightmare most nights for weeks and it was making me so ill and I didn’t want to go to sleep due to the stress it was causing me. I was always being trapped in, got chased within a space and I needed to escape, it was me always fearing my life in dreams. I had one session with Haz and the nightmares around this went. Totally astonishing!